Bengalee Association for Champaca Books

For a postcard that went as part of Champaca Bookstore’s book subscription parcel focused on English translations of Kannada texts, I drew an homage to one of my favourite Kannada signs in Bangalore, that of the Bengalee Association in Ulsoor. The Kannada is part of a trio of signs, which also includes Latin and Bangla.

You don’t want to miss the cursive Bengali lettering on the mural on the building’s façade either!

  • In Pursuit of Typographic Cityscapes

    In Pursuit of Typographic Cityscapes

    A look back at a zine-making workshop that I facilitated for students of publication design at the National Institute of Fashion Technology (Bangalore), which was focused on documenting and sharing street lettering from the neighbourhood of Ulsoor.

  • Letter by Letter: Short Film & Exhibition

    Letter by Letter: Short Film & Exhibition

    2023 was an exciting year: I received a small grant from the Bangalore International Centre (BIC) as part of their B•LORE programme to make a short film about street lettering in Bangalore’s M.G. Road. The film was screened at their annual festival, where I also got the opportunity to mount an exhibition.